Jack Harrhy


Cursor, Build own tools, hollywood.computer, Billy on Animal Well tech, Webmentions on Astro, `bun ./index.html`, Odin Sokol.

Three Days of Cursor

[…], I feel very much like I am still programming. I am sequencing the work. It feels like it’s reading my mind since I do know exactly how to do what I am asking, but it’s saving a lot of typing.

The main way it helps me though, is to keep me in flow. […] It’s just a lot of little things that save time and let me move on to something else.

Big cursor fan, I was skeptical when I heard there was a AI VSCode fork, but then I tried it myself, and I haven’t looked back.


Unexpected Benefits of Building Your Own Tools

Writing small little tools to solve problems is always fun, be it scraping a publicly data source for historical records, or a Discord / Telegram bot that posts houses available in your area / price range.

I’d like to build more of these tools, but its also something that I don’t think you can force, you just need some introspection on is there something I do often that I can make easier.


Hollywood is a utility will split a computer console into a multiple panes of genuine technical melodrama, perfectly suitable for busy-looking computers in the background.


Billy Basso on code architecture of Animal Well! - Game Engineering Podcast

I’ve seen interviews from Billy Basso before, but a big fan of this one since its very focused on the game from a technical perspective.

Hearing him talk about the early days of when he still had a day job is fun, how a side project consumed him to the point he felt comfortable to take the plunge and just work on it full time.

A lot is discussed about Handmade Hero, and how it was great learning getting started on building an engine, a lot of focus on hot code reloading being a killer feature when it came to rapid iteration.

How We Make Games at Tomorrow Corp – Our Custom Tools Tech Demo

I’m nesting a linkblog link in another link, because Billy talking about hot code reloading reminds me of this Tomorrow Corporation post.

A must watch video.

Structs without methods :)

Discussion on gamedev.city

Adding Webmentions to a static Astro site

Been looking into adding Webmention support to this site, ran into this article, will hopefully be all I need to get that on the go!

In the next version of Bun, bun ./index.html starts a frontend dev server


Always love a @jaredsummer post that opens up with In the next version of Bun.

Curious if this will became the new hotness to pull me away from Vite…

Odin Sokol Tutorial: Part 1 of 4 - Basic Setup, A Colorful Triangle

Had a go at doing some Odin + gamedev some time ago with Raylib, which was fun, but it didn’t scratch the itch of wanting to be doing more of the graphics myself.

Sokol, seemed pretty interesting, and the combination of Sokol + Odin has been talked about, but nice to see folks are getting on the go with videos on the two!