Jack Harrhy


wiper TUI, ESM-only, Level Design Book, KLETKA, ambient.garden.

wiper - A TUI disk analyser and cleanup tool.


du is nice, dust is better for cleaning up file space, but wiper looks like exactly what TUI I’ve been looking for.

Move on to ESM-only

With the rise of Vite as a popular modern frontend build tool, many meta-frameworks like NuxtSvelteKitAstroSolidStartRemixStorybookRedwood, and many others are all built on top of Vite nowadays, that treating ESM as a first-class citizen.

The capability to require() ESM modules in Node.js, initiated by JOYEECHEUNG, marks an incredible milestone. This feature allows packages to be published as ESM-only while still being consumable by CJS codebases with minimal modifications.

Goodbye require(), you did good, but its time to move on.

here’s the gdc talk I’m doing this year… just a little 5 minute thing about making leveldesignbook.com

Robert Yang’s brilliant free online resource The Level Design Book is very high quality, lots of great references to tools / practices / discussion of level design at a high level.


KLETKA is a co-op (up to 6 players) horror game about going down in an elevator that is trying to eat you. Feed the elevator, explore deadly floors and descend deeper.

Picked this up yesterday, already had a great session myself and some friends.

Clearly some big inspo from Lethal Company.

Ambient Garden.

Take a stroll…