Jack Harrhy


Prisma using just TS, banning bots, DOGE's Crypto Bros, Blender Project DogWalk, Tumblr Fediverse, Leaking Gmail from any YouTube account.

From Rust to TypeScript: A New Chapter for Prisma ORM

[…] When we started planning Prisma 2 (now known as Prisma ORM), we had a pretty clear vision: we wanted to build ORMs for as many languages as possible—TypeScript, Go, Python, Scala, Rust, and others. We needed a solution that would make adding support for new languages relatively straightforward. Rust’s performance benefits and systems-level approach made it a natural choice for this core query engine.

Why move away from Rust?

Additionally, the core benefit of the query engine—the ability to support multiple clients—is no longer our focus. Prisma ORM is a TypeScript project and while we support our community clients, we won’t be developing them in house.

I’ve been converted to drizzle for some time now, but I still think back fondly to using Prisma on a Remix project some time ago.

Sad they abandoned the initial dream of many languages one central core, that would be cool, but it does make sense that if you intend to make a ergonomic SQL DSL that sparks joy, embracing the language of choice rather than spreading yourself thin over many is the way to go.

Like SQLAlchemy, while I have my gripes with it from a complexity perspective, is indeed a very Pythonic ORM, it wouldn’t make sense to live anywhere else.

Same for LINQ in C#.

Politely Asking Bots to Report Themselves

Sneaky /cgi-bin/robot.py, which good behaving web crawlers should avoid, as see the line Disallow: /cgi-bin/ in /robots.txt, but if a bot does end up on this page, and visits the link /cgi-bin/bye.py found in an a tag on that page, you are IP banned!

The above is abridged techno jargon version of the post, you should probably just go read the post.

Deep inside, as soon as I saw the link and was told to not click this link, every bone in my body yearned to click the link, but since I’d still like to consume Caolan’s website on my works IP address, I think its best not to.

The Crypto Grifters Of DOGE

Some of the 20-somethings at DOGE (some of which are younger than me which honestly feels crazy that someone like myself has seemingly unfettered access to the upper echelons of US government databases…) have been in previous lives big into the dodgy realms of Crypto.

This is good reporting, but to me, this is not unexpected news.

Announcing Project DogWalk

Blender is dog fooding the integration between Blender and Godot, by building a game!

Screenshot 2025-02-13 at 11.34.34 AM.png

I’ve usually opted not to import the .blend in Godot projects, and export to some other format before importing it into the engine, since if you want to have some objects have collision / different textures / functionality, defining that in the Blender world and importing it over is possible but limiting.

But, I assume, the Blender to Godot pipeline will dramatically improve once this project starts heating up.

Also, TIL, Blender made a game in 2008 using the now defunct Blender Game Engine

It doesn’t even look half bad for 2008 gamedev.

Tumblr to join the fediverse after WordPress migration completes

Been hearing about this migration from their own infra to WordPress for a while, cool to see that this will mean every Tumblr blog will become something consumable via the Fediverse after the migration.

Hopefully another break doesn’t stop them from releasing this…

Leaking the email of any YouTube user for $10,000

Very cool technical writeup of going from an arbitrary YouTube account in a livestream chat, to their Google account identifier (which you should not be able to do), and then abusing another random Google service to go from Google account identifier to underlying gmail address.