Jack Harrhy


Acerola Shaders, DOOM on TypeScript, Claude credit for Three.js 3D, Multi-channel SDF text.

Acerola - How Game Engines Make Shaders Easy

Amazing (as always) video on graphics programming by Acerola.

Hyped to see them not only using Godot, but already trying to contribute back to the ecosystem of tooling to help folks who know how things work in Unity more easily port their stuff over to Godot.

Michigan TypeScript - TypeScript types can run DOOM

Probably one of the craziest technical showcase videos I’ve seen in a while.

Amazing editing too.

The dedication from the creator to the craft is unmatched.

@mayfer - love when @mrdoob spent a decade making shadows, lighting & other shaders simple one-liners and then claude gets all the credit lol

All the people being like, wow Claude made a full 3D game wowowowow, when really, (while it is still neat), is just Claude throwing together enough Three.js to piece some semblance of a game together.

No, Claude is not rendering that scene…

Chlumsky/msdfgen - Multi-channel signed distance field generator

I knew the Valve paper on SDFs, but wasn’t aware about this amazing master’s thesis…

This is the Valve method:


And this is their method:


Obviously the GPU texture is multichannel nonsense, but look at the crisp result.